0-100: Getting your First 100 Customers

09 Feb, 2019
02:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Indian Council for Cultural Research,

0-100: Getting your First 100 Customers

Starting up? You'll need those first 100 customers to make or break your venture. But how do you go about getting them, when you have limited resources? All this, and more, at the February edition of Startup Saturday in Kolkata! A stellar line-up of speakers, ranging from founders of funded startups, investor networks and mentors await you. So what are you waiting for? Join us and book your place NOW! Please fill the form carefully. Every question is designed to understand how we can help you better. Being specific is a virtue. REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!


Event Details

09 Feb, 2019
02:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Indian Council for Cultural Research
9A, Ho Chinh Minh Sarani
Kolkata - 700053

Contact Us

Abhinaba Dey

Phone : 9230060300

Email : abhinaba@headstart.in

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