If you've ever played sports or done any sort of training, you know how important it is to master the fundamentals. You might have even had a coach or teacher who emphasized the "fun" in "fundamentals" to encourage you to enjoy the preparation and practice needed to succeed.
The same goes for business. But there is so much information these days that it's sometimes hard to focus on the few simple basics you need to make your startup a success.
Some entrepreneurs fall victim to what we call "chasing the new." They're looking for a new angle or magic bullet that will solve all their issues. But in the end, there is no magic bullet. There are just proven principles you need to practice and master to get your business up and growing--and keep it successful.
The theme for April 2018 edition of Startup Saturday is Basics of Entrepreneurship.
Venue: Let's Design Life, Raja Park, Jaipur
Date: 28th April 2018
Time: 6 PM to 8 PM
Register yourself: https://bit.ly/2qKtsxs
Phone : 8209313889/ 7821064116
Email : somansh.gaur@headstart.in/ harsh.vardhan@headstart.in